Tv shows

Posts from the tv shows category.

Rahul Pawar

Spoof news article on Georgia Tech friends

India’s Top Female Icon Grand Finale to be between Jayati and NaguIndia's reality show darling Supriya won't be in the show \Top Female Icon\ anymore. In a shocking incident, Insta celebrity and ace cameraman Prady caught Supriya cutting through a mouse during one of his live streams. People watching the video were traumatized by the child-like delight on Supriya's face during the act. Supriya's r...

manan dedhia

Thrive to Survive

So, if F1 is quite boring as a live sport - why are people interested? Where can you go get your fix?One the former, I don’t have any answers - maybe it is the drama. Given the rise of reality TV and accessibility it brings might explain some of it. I haven’t a clue. But I would hazard that most of these fans will eventually leave - you cannot manufacture drama in something that is not based on ge...

Thrive to Survive